
Download submission data as a CSV

In this article we’ll show you how to download Workflow submission data as a CSV file both individually and in bulk.

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Information collected through a Workflow can be downloaded as a CSV file to be exported and used elsewhere. The output data can be downloaded at any time through the Workflow submission dashboard and will include the submissions’ current status: in-progress, awaiting-signatures, and completed.

You can download a single submissions' data individually, or download multiple submissions’ data in bulk. A single submissions’ data is represented as a row item within the CSV file. The output will always be a single CSV file regardless of whether you download submission data individually or in bulk.

Download submission data

If you just need the data for a specific submission, you can download the data in the submissions’ file output page.

To download submission data individually:

  1. Navigate to the relevant Workflows’ dashboard
  2. Click on a specific submission
  3. Select the File Output tab in the top right corner The file output tab is to the right of the form data tab
  4. Click download as csv Download as csv is to the right of download all as a zip file

Bulk download submission data

If you need data from multiple submissions within a Workflow, you can download them in bulk after first searching and/or filtering the submissions.

To download submissions data in bulk:

  1. Navigate to the relevant Workflows’ dashboard
  2. Click the Advanced filters icon next to the filters dropdown The advanced filters icon is to the right of the filters dropdown
  3. Search and filter submissions
  4. Click download all as csv The download all as csv is to the top left of the submissions
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